Thursday, November 19, 2009

San Jose Carpet Cleaning - All Your Questions Answered

By Lewis Anderson

Q: How long will it take to clean my carpets? A: The cleaning process's duration will depend on a couple of factors namely dirt severity, amount of furniture that requires moving or removal, specialty cleaning processes and actual time spent cleaning. San Jose Carpet Cleaning will take an estimated hour per 600 square feet.

Question: How soon can a person walk on the newly cleaned carpet? Answer: It's recommended that you try to keep animals. Kids and heavy traffic off of newly cleaned carpets during the drying process. Wait at least 1 day before removing protective tabs and blocks which technicians place under the furniture to protect carpeting. Some carpets may feel damp even for' hours, depending entirely on the carpet types and dirt conditions. This is absolutely normal and will not cause any problems.

Questions: Will you move furniture? Answer- San Jose Carpet Cleaning packages usually includes movement of the majority of furniture in specifically main living areas. Heavy furniture as well as beds and dressers are left in place.

An additional charge will levied on moving of heavier furniture. China hutches, entertainment systems, pianos as well as other valuable belongings will not be moved due to liability reasons.

Q: Will San Jose Carpet Cleaning pro's be able to remove any indents?- A: No guarantee can be given by San Jose Carpet Cleaning pro's in terms of indents removal. Apart from this the actual pile as well as backing may be damaged. The correct amount of heat, moisture, and hand grooming with our equipment may possibly help to correct the problem, but will take a while to return to its original state, if ever. Deep indents will unfortunately be permanent.

Q: How often should carpets be cleaned?- A: You have just asked the most common San Jose Carpet Cleaning question! Cleaning frequency will differ from home to home, depending solely on the number of occupants and level of use. Carpets should be clean at least once yearly. Should detergent residue be left behind in the carpet fibers, re-soiling will surely occur at a substantially faster pace. Professional carpet cleaners use more thorough cleaning methods that use an extra rinse process after the pre-spray step. This allows for deeper penetration to remove soil while leaving no detergent behind accelerating re-soiling.

A couple of factors contribute to a need to increase cleaning frequency. These factors include smoking, kids' ages and quantity, dirt conditions, levels of humidity, occupant's health status, allergic reactions, and pets' quantity and type. Increased traffic in an area will require four-monthly cleaning, while lower traffic areas may only require cleaning every' months.

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