Monday, January 28, 2008

Critical illness insurance in the South African market

The root of critical illness insurance lies in South Africa. Critical illness cover became a must as the health care system at that time in South Africa could not cope with the costs for critical illnesses. The idea stemmed from a discussion between a surgeon and the chief executive of a life office. Since then critical illness cover in South Africa had been one of the most prolific markets around the world. Let's have a look.

Furthermore, the first critical illness policy launched provided cover for around 4 main critical illnesses. These could have been heart attack, stroke, cancer and coronary artery bypass surgery. As time passed by and a more mature market started to unveil, the insurance companies started to provide cover for 5 critical illness conditions. Nowadays many companies in South Africa may be providing cover for more than 20 serious illnesses. As per O'Mahony S, 2001, "South African dread disease report", most companies may cover up to 8 core critical illness conditions and 21 extended conditions. Extended cases may be surgeries like balloon angioplasty or states of health such as total and permanent disability.

Additionally, as per Munich Re 2000, at the time critical illness cover was firstly launched nearly all policies may have been riders to life insurance. The highest amount paid as lump sum at that time may have been around R 25,000. This value may have been chosen in accordance with the cost of one of the most serious critical illness conditions at that time, thee coronary artery bypass graft. Nowadays, the maximum amount of cover paid as lump sum could be around R 550,000. On the other hand, bigger companies may offer around R 800,000. Furthermore, during the year 1990, critical illness cover sales may have been estimated to be higher than any other covers. The reason may be because about 60 percent of critical illness covers may have been sold as riders to other policies. But the recent sales may be decreasing as it may now represent a recession of around 50 percent as compared to the year 1990.

In addition to, critical illness cover may have a high price tag in South Africa. So, two departments exist that perform the critical illness cover sales procedures. These could be the life office agents and the brokers. The life office agents sell critical illness cover to people who have a low income. Meanwhile, the brokers sell to those people who earn a high income at the end of the month. Due to many high income earners, most critical illness sales could have come from the broker market.

According to Munich Re 2000, there may be around 14 life insurance companies that provide cover for critical illness. This could represent around 70 percent of all life insurance companies in South Africa. Practically all life insurance companies have ceased to offer standalone critical illness covers as it may have been rather slow concerning sales. Critical illness cover may most of the time be sold as riders, especially mortgage, similar to the UK and Canada.

The maturity of the South African insurance market has already been reached. But as people gain more knowledge about critical illness cover, there could be even more critical illness cover sales. The UK and the Canadian market, though high amount of critical illness cover sales recorded may yet to become as mature as that of South Africa.

For more information about Critical Illness Insurance and Mortgage Payment Protection please visit

The Growth Of Critical Illness Insurance From 1984-1994

Critical illness cover first made its appearance in South Africa during the year 1984. At that time critical illness cover was a merely raw product. The insurance market had yet to propagate the product and people did not know about it. As time passed by, critical illness cover became an important type of insurance policy as sales started to be considerable. At first few critical illness conditions were covered. But gradually insurers started to add more to the policies so that they could compete effectively in the market. So, let's have a look at how critical illness cover evolved from 1984-1994.

Additionally the critical illness claims had been researched. As far as women are concerned, the critical illness claims concerning women had also been recorded. Around 9 claims may have been made by women aged 20-24, 28 aged 25-29, 37 aged 30-34 and 51 aged 35-39. So far, if compared to men, women might have made less critical illness claims. The claimed values continue as follows. Approximately 57 critical illness claims could have been made by women aged 40-44 followed by 39 aged 45-49, 19 aged 50-54 and finally 9 aged 55-59. If the results are looked at carefully, one could notice that the critical illness claims have been decreasing down the years.

Moreover, the claim experience among people of different ages had also been researched by the Continuous Statistical Committee: Dread Disease Investigation 1991-1994. The results that would be demonstrated had been taken between the years 1991 to 1994. Around 19 claims had been made by men aged 20-24, 50 aged 25-29 and 92 aged 30-34. More critical illness claims may have been more likely made by men. About 151 critical illness claims could have been made by men aged 35-39, 207 aged 40-44, 168 aged 45-49, 129 aged 50-54 and finally 54 aged 55-59.

Only three companies may have participated in the research carried out as seen above. Their total number of critical illness claims may have been around 880 from 1991 to 1994. It was therefore difficult to analyse the critical illness claims by cause or even smoker status. The actual critical illness claims for men may be around 70 percent in the first policy year compared to the claim ratio of policies older than a year. The same thing may also apply for women.

Furthermore, according to Munich Re, 2001, in the year 1984, 53 percent of people may have suffered from a critical illness like heart attack followed by 8 percent for coronary artery bypass. Additionally, around 10 percent of people may have also suffered from a critical illness such as renal failure or stroke while 29 percent may have contracted a critical illness like cancer. In the year 1994, a relative decrease in heart attack patients may have been recorded. Around 39 percent of people may have contracted heart attack whilst 9 percent may have suffered from coronary artery bypass. An additional 5 percent may have been patients of renal failure and stroke followed by 12 percent for other critical illness conditions and finally 37 percent may have been victims of a critical illness like cancer. In these ten years, the rate of heart attacks had decreased while the rate of cancer had increased.

As seen, critical illness cover in South Africa soon developed into a mature market. Appropriate claims data could have been obtained so that incidence rates could be analysed. This may have then enabled known firms to predict the trend in the future. Nowadays, the critical illness claims data may be much complex and accurate as more incidence rates may have occurred.

For more information about Critical Illness Insurance and Income Protection Insurance please visit

Loan insurance can work if care is taken when buying

By choosing to take out loan insurance independently you will usually get all the information needed to decide if would protect you in the way it was designed. While there has been a lot of bad publicity surrounding payment protection products it is not the actual cover that is at fault. It is the lack of understanding that a policy does not suit all which causes problems as well as the high premiums that many high street lenders charge.

Providing you realise there are exclusions in all loan insurance policies and have checked them against your circumstances you could have peace of mind. Some of the most recurrent exclusions which can be found include not working full time, being self-employed, suffering a pre-existing medical condition or being of retirement age. You do have to read the wording of the terms and conditions because providers can specify others.

The majority of loan insurance offered by specialist providers would begin to give you a tax free income from between the 31st and 90th day of being unable to work due to redundancy, illness or accident. Cover would give you a monthly lump sum which would mean that you are able to continue meeting your monthly loan or credit card repayments without a struggle. This income allows the policy holder to concentrate on getting better and back to work.

In the majority of cases protection will be offered by the high street lender at the time of borrowing. However, historically, cover taken this way has been known to be expensive. In some cases it has been reported to have boosted up the cost of the amount borrowed by almost half again. The cheapest way to get the protection you need is to go with an independent specialist provider. While some lenders do ask that you protect your loan repayments, it should not be dependent on you taking cover at the same time. You always have the option of choosing to take out the cover independently.

The high cost of loan insurance is just one of the many problems that the Financial Services Authority and Competition Commission are looking into. It is thought that high street lenders are currently bringing in around £4 billion in profits from the sale of cover alongside cheap loans. However they are remaining tight lipped, but the Competition Commission say they will use their powers to make the high street lender come clean.

There are many factors that have to be considered when buying cover. The premiums are a concern and of course while you want the cheapest you also need quality cover. The expensive cover offered by high street lenders is not particularly of better quality because it is more costly. In fact cover bought cheaper with an independent provider often has many additional benefits.

Loan insurance can give peace of mind and it can ease the worry of continuing to meet the commitments of your loan. Taking the free advice and reading the key facts supplied with a policy that the specialist offers goes a long way to helping you make an informed choice of ensuring that your loan repayments will still be met if disaster struck .

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of loan insurance, mortgage payment protection insurance and income protection insurance.

Comparison tables on the way to help those buying loan protection insurance

Loan protection insurance is not the easiest product to buy and in the past this had led to many buying cover that has been useless. However all this is set to change with the introduction of comparison tables in March 2008. It is hoped the tables - which are being implemented by the Financial Services Authority - will lead to a better deal for the consumer as they will be able to determine how much the cover will cost along with being aware there are exclusions.

Having loan cover means that should you become unable to work due to accident, illness or unexpected redundancy, your loan repayments will continue to be repaid. It provides you with a much needed income between the 30th and 90th day after the event, with some policies back dating your claim to day one. The policy would then carry on paying out a monthly tax free sum for between 12 and 24 months which gives you time to recover or find alternative employment without the added stress of having to struggle to find the money.

There are exclusions which are to found in all policies and it is these which determine whether an individual would be able to make a claim. Those who are retired, suffer an ongoing illness are retired, self-employed or who work part time would probably not benefit. While these are the ones most frequently found there can be others based on the provider. This means that checking the terms and conditions are essential.

While there are terms and conditions these can vary. For example suffering a pre-existing medical condition will vary depending on the provider. Some might exclude one illness while another might allow you to take out a policy; this is why you have to check each individual policy thoroughly. While the tables will provide information for those wishing to take out loan protection insurance they will not be limited to just this. They will also cover the rest of the family of payment protection which includes mortgage and income cover. These too are valuable products and it is imperative to take the cover that is most suitable for your circumstances.

The terms and conditions can be hard to find, but it is imperative that you read them before you buy. Along with getting the key facts and information needed to decide if a policy is suitable you will also get the cheapest premiums. In fact buying your policy from a standalone provider can save you around 80% in comparison to the dearest quotes.

Learning as much as you can about loan payment protection insurance goes a long way to making sure you buy a policy that will work. The importance of this was highlighted in 2005 when the regulatory body the Office of Fair Trading received a super complaint regarding the mis-selling of protection insurance from the Citizens Advice. Some of the main concerns were the high premiums charged for loan protection insurance and the lack of information regarding the exclusions. While some changed have been seen many more still need to be made as in 2007 it was revealed that the Financial Services Authority have investigated over 4,000 cases of mis-selling. The key to getting the right policy is to research your options thoroughly and don't be coerced in to buying the first loan insurance you are offered.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of loan protection insurance , mortgage protection insurance and income protection insurance.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A broker can find you good value car insurance

When it comes to finding good value car insurance a broker can do this much easier than the individual can. A broker has the means to search within the bulk of the motor insurance market place on your behalf and gather together the cheapest quotes possible. Insurance will vary depending on your particular circumstances and among the different providers, so getting as many quotes as possible will lead to making the best savings.

The type of car insurance you need will reflect the cost of a policy. Fully comprehensive is the dearest option for insuring your car. If you buy a brand new car then you will have no other option other to take this in order top protect your investment fully.

Third party fire and theft cover is usually taken by the younger driver as it costs less than fully comprehensive. It is also suitable where you have an older car that is not worth a lot.

There is also third party only to consider which is the most basic form of car insurance.

Once a broker has found you a selection of car insurance quotes then it is down to the individual to make sure they compare the terms of the cover. This is where you can find such as what is included in the policy and is not. The contents of what the motor insurance cover offers can vary considerably. For example, you can find that some form of breakdown cover can be included for the same cost as a policy that does not, so checking the terms is beneficial in the long run.

Look out for additional benefits such as a free courtesy car if yours is involved in an a accident and a legal assistance helpline. These are all useful to have.

To help reduce the cost of car insurance you can add security features to your car such as alarms, immobilizers, steering locks or tracking devices. By doing so your car will be seen as being harder to steal by the insurer and so reduces the risk of theft. The same goes when it comes to where you choose to park your car; parking it in a garage is safer than leaving it on the side of the street.

There are motor insurance providers who will offer cheaper cover to women drivers and discounted car insurance for younger or non-experienced drivers and your broker will know where to go to get you the best quote for your needs.

Younger drivers who have not got experience on the road and have not built up any no claims bonus could take extended or advanced driving lessons and this can go a long way to lessening the premiums they are charged. Sticking with a non-sporty sedate car will also mean that they pay less in premiums.

A broker can without a doubt find you car insurance online cheaper than anywhere. However while this is the easiest and cheapest way to take out cover, it is essential that you fully understand what the insurance covers, so there are no nasty surprises should you ever need to claim.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to giving consumers the best insurance deal. They offer great value home, life and car insurance.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Investing in Life Settlement helps seniors to be self sufficient

These days solving a financial problem these days is no longer a thing to be pestered about. The upcoming of n number of financial solutions in the form of loans and loan schemes have been able to create a marked difference in people. Today, they no longer feel tensed because they know that they have a regular income in the form of salary and if they have any financial emergency, they can take the help of any financial program. However, in all this, we simply forget about all the people who no longer have their job, as they have retired from their job and could be in dire need of money. In such cases, these senior citizens definitely feel out of place and feel completely helpless. However, the initiation that has been taken up by some organizations to introduce plans and financial schemes like life settlement has been able to give a sense of relief to these senior citizens. Therefore, we can surely say that investing in life settlement could prove to be a beneficial move for the senior citizens who have an insurance policy and are in serious need of money.

Having saved money is definitely a necessity in this highly expensive and unsecured world. None of us know what could hit us in the next moment and therefore, being prepared financially is a necessity. However, this does not happen and especially people who have retired from their job find it really difficult to find any solution to any sort of a financial problem. However, investing in life settlement could prove to be a better thing for them and they can solve any of their financial problems with the help of this scheme. Life settlement is basically a financial transaction where in a senior citizen who is of the age of sixty five years or more and has a life insurance policy can apply for it. Here in the insurance policy of the borrower can be sold to a third party. This is definitely better because the seller of the policy gets more money by selling his life insurance policy to a third party rather than selling it to the insurance policy company.

Investing in life settlement helps senior citizens to get hold of good amount of money with which they can solve their financial needs and can solve their financial problems. With the help of this solution, they do not need to take the help of any person to solve their financial problems. They can easily take care of all their financial needs with the help of this policy and this is definitely a good thing to do. Taking the help of some other person can be very demeaning and many people do not feel nice about the entire thing.

The introduction of such financial schemes and policies has definitely made the lives of the senior citizens much eased out and much relaxed. Today, with the help of a life settlement policy, they can live their lives on their own terms and can take care of their responsibilities. In fact, they do not need to take the help of others and can be self sufficient.

William Regal is an expert in dealing with life settlement. If you have any queries about life settlement,life settlement broker,life settlement insurance, investing in life settlement,bonded life settlement visit:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Replacing The Irreplaceable With Home Contents Insurance

One of the greatest assets for anyone is his home. We go to great length to provide protection to this building which made of bricks and mortar. Most people get their house insured because they have invested and paid for this building, what they forget to remember is that the items within this house makes it a home. Those who realize the importance of the items within any home do not hesitate to get Home Content Insurance.

In case of a mishap or a natural disaster you will need a lot more money then thirty thousand pounds to replace the most basic contents of your house. Unfortunately, this replacement is not covered by your building insurance policy. Consider the fact that in case of flood you will need to replace all your carpets, electronics, furniture and much more.

Home and content insurance covers our houses and flats and the contents in it. It is financially the right thing to opt for home contents insurance. The reason behind this is the fact that not everything is covered by the buildings insurance policy. Consider the time where roof of your house has been damaged during a storm. The buildings insurance policy will replace the roof but will not pay for the cost of fittings. The home contents policy will make this all possible at a relative affordable rate.

Home contents insurance cannot replace those valuable collections that took years to collect but it can replace items which earlier you considered irreplaceable due to financial factor. In addition, these insurance companies also guide owners on how to increase security of their valuable collections and in case of any theft or loss also assist in recovering the item.

It pays to seriously consider the extent of coverage. Cash for instance, is frequently not covered or has strict conditions that attach to how much can be insured. You may find that a contents policy will not insure for equipment that is used outside of the home, for instance a video camera whereas some do. Bicycles are a particular risk for insurers so check to see if they are insured or not, and always see what conditions are attached to such articles being insured in the policy.

You will find many different companies providing various types of home contents insurance with variation in, especially, features and coverage. Some options will be excluded in the policies while another company will include it in its policy. So you need to check which policy is suitable for your home. You should understand the terms and conditions as well as what is covered carefully.

In short, this type of insurance is comparatively cheap and the policy holder signs up for a very good deal with it. Although in most cases the building insurance and content insurance take place at the same time however this is not a necessary act. Also, you must study the market to know exactly whether it is wise to combine the two policies or not.

Home contents insurance is a must policy to adopt for the fact that replacing a content of your home without insurance is far much greater than what we can actually afford. The amount that you will pay is worth it considering the fact that you will provide coverage to those items that you and your family worked hard to collect.

Don't think about buying health insurance, life insurance or medical insurance policies until you have visited our site. is a goldmine for information related to insurance.

Life Settlement brings in life long security

Each day brings in some or the other new thing in our lives. Each morning we wonder about the various things that life might have in store for us. Life and uncertainty are synonymous and this is one fact that we all human beings are aware of. Today, we all know that tomorrow is not known to us and therefore, we prepare ourselves accordingly. When in our hay-days, we make sure that we have all the things rightly planned out, so that things can be in a better state in the future. People while working take up life insurance policies, buy properties and invest in various kinds of investments, so that our later life can be secured. These days, getting a loan is not so difficult but the main problem arises when elderly people who have retired from their jobs have a difficult time in getting themselves a loan. However, the introduction of the life settlement policy has changed things a lot for these senior citizens.

A life settlement is basically a financial transaction where in a person having a life insurance policy sells off his or her life insurance policy to a third party. The amount that the person gets by selling his or her life insurance policy to the third party is definitely more than what he or she would get by selling the life insurance policy to the life insurance company. The person who buys the life insurance policy becomes the new beneficiary of the policy when it is matured. Well, there are certain criterions for opting for this policy and one needs to fulfill these criterions. Therefore, if you are a senior citizen and are in urgent need of money, then opting for life settlement is one of the best options for you.

There are many reasons why people need urgent cash and getting access to urgent cash is definitely a problem for, especially for a senior citizen. Retiring from a job brings in many issues and old age is itself a major hassle. If things are not planned out properly, then old age brings in many tensions. Old age brings along with it health problems and financial hazards. However, the introduction of life settlement has made things easier for these senior citizens, as now they can solve all their financial needs by selling off their life insurance policy to a third party. The money that they get by selling off their insurance policy can be used to solve any kind of a financial crisis.

With the help of a life settlement policy, any senior citizen can now solve their financial problems. Now they need not take the help of anyone to solve their financial hassles. Gone are those days when a senior citizen had to be dependent on others to solve their financial needs and crisis. Now they can take the help of this tailor made policy to solve their needs. Therefore, now a senior citizen can be relaxed and relieved from all their worries. Therefore, if you are a senior citizen who has a life insurance policy and needs money, you can opt for this policy.

William Regal is an expert in dealing with life settlement. If you have any queries about life settlement broker, life settlement insurance, life settlement, qualified life settlement visit:

Annual Travel Insurance

It is easy to buy an Annual Travel Insurance for a multi travel trip as I have personally experienced and the annual travel insurance is a must if you are travelling abroad. Your domestic plan probably doesn't cover emergency medical needs when you fall ill or have an accident while travelling abroad.

Annual Travel Insurance plans have US citizens who are covered by a corporate health plan. You can apply online to receive Annual Travel Insurance for a multi travel trip and you can even print your application off your web browser! Getting holiday Annual Travel Insurance for a multi trip is easy and economical

I will list out the advantages and conditions for Annual Travel Insurance so you can also see the benefits -

Annual Travel Insurance avoids the need to take out new plan every time you travel

It covers unlimited number of trips in policy year up to 30 consecutive days in length for each trip anywhere around the world. It's really a great plan for those who may forget to obtain travel insurance for each and every trip, especially for quick trip across the border and are great for short trips abroad. The prime condition is that you must be covered by your company's corporate health plan.

Here are some basic lessons in Annual Travel Insurance and everything one needs to know to get some of their money back when such disasters strike.

Policy holders are eligible to file a claim if a flight was cancelled when travelling to or travelling from an area affected by natural disasters. If a major storm gets your home uninhabitable, the Traveller Insurance will cover the trip if you decide to cancel or leave the vacation early.

The trip will also be covered if you are forced to evacuate a certain area and either extends or cut short your trip. Annual Travel Insurance will also cover the cost of your trip if you are forced to leave an area temporarily as the result of an emergency evacuation order. You won't be able to make a claim if you had purchased Annual Travel Insurance after a hurricane was already forecasted and named.

Let me tell you one more thing. If you get injured or fell ill during the course of the trip, Annual Travel Insurance will pay you for emergency medical expenses and even medical evacuation. It is that convenient.

Annual Travel Insurance also covers lost or stolen baggage under most travel insurance policies. If your baggage is delayed, you can also claim reimbursement for the purchase of necessities that were made before retrieving the baggage. You can just be careful and not paranoid about your luggage any more.

One more fantastic thing I have personally benefited from the Annual Travel Insurance policy is that there's no need for you to go hungry or sleep in the airport as most travel insurance policies pick up the tab for your food purchases, hotels and alternate means of transportation in case your flight is cancelled or delayed. What are you waiting for? Just go ahead and get yourself an Annual Travel Insurance especially if you are a frequent traveller.

Irit lopez has been helping people start their insurance businesses for years. For more info on starting your OWN home based business, visit:

Cheapest Life Insurance: Do You Know These Secrets?

Most people find life insurance to be an annoyance throughout their entire life. However, by following a few tips, you can make the job of finding the right policy easier and less costly.

A good place to start is to discover what the policy excludes. Often, customers focus solely on what a policy covers. They ignore the exclusions. However, being fully informed can save you hassle if you have to file a claim. Read the policy for yourself and have your agent explain it to you. Then you can discuss whether upgrading to include specific exclusions is in your best interest.

When your life insurance policies come up for renewal each year, you should review any changes in your needs from the previous year. Your life insurance needs to keep pace with life events which can alter the amount or type of coverage you need. Most insurance agents will not bring up the subject until you do, so you may need to do some of your own research.

Don't get carried away by rock bottom prices! Keep in mind the old wisdom that you usually get what you pay for. Not all life insurance policies offer the same benefits. They can actually be widely disparate, so do extremely careful comparisons to check whether you're getting the same coverage where the price of two policies is the same. That affordable term life insurance quote is an entirely different animal than the more expensive whole life policy. Be especially cautious if you see that one insurer is asking far less than anyone else for supposedly similar coverage.

Depending on the company and the type of insurance you are looking for, you can save 15 to 45 percent by shopping for your insurance policy online. Several excellent insurance sites are available online. Use a comparison quoting service to help you get the best value for your money (which isn't necessarily the cheapest life insurance quote you receive). Such services can provide you with quotes from several major insurance companies, allowing you to compare premiums and coverage available from many different insurers.

If you decide to switch life insurance providers before your insurance comes up for renewal you'll have to pay a penalty which is based on how much time is left on the existing policy. It's always best to change providers when a policy comes up for renewal.

You should also not switch life insurance companies too often because you'll land up paying more. Establishing a long-term relationship with one insurance company can earn you discounts and over time these discounts can be substantial. So do change insurance companies if there is a good reason, but don't do it on the fly.

Of course, never omit important details and don't lie when applying for life insurance! For example, telling your insurer that you are a non-smoker when you actually smoke (even if only a few cigarettes) will result in a denial of your claim should you file one so you'll really be the one to lose and not the insurance company.

When you receive your new policy, be sure to look it over thoroughly to ensure that your coverages are correct. If you have any questions or concerns, or if something looks to be incorrect, call your agent for assistance.

Finding affordable term life insurance just got easier.

Securing The Life You Leave Behind With A Life Insurance Today

Life insurance is one of the most common forms of insurance there is, not least because we all need it at one time or another in our lives. Life insurance is a bet you never want to win but remember, it is a gift from you to your loved ones when you are no longer here to care for them yourself.

The most frequent question asked by the insurance holder is how much he can be insured for. The answer is not as simple as we think of because it depends upon your personal status. There is a formula used extensively by the industry which gives an amount that shows how much your liabilities will be covered such as mortgage, other loans and credit cards and it also give claimer an additional salary of two years.

Life insurance policy is of two types known as whole life affordable insurance and term life insurance. The most important thing is to take correct decision for your loved ones or family about there future finances because once you have taken a decision you can not go back and correct it.

Life insurance is same like a bet between insurance company and policy holder. You bet that you will be dead with in some set period of time and if you die in that time period you will win and insurer has to pay some decided amount of money which he has promised to your loved ones. And if you live just one day more against life term policy you and your family will get nothing. The best point in this policy is that it is cheap investment and the policy requires no further investment for the premiums which is used to cover insurance for the life time. Life insurance quotes can be obtained from different life insurance companies online or just by paying a visit to their office.

Whole of life policies are rather more complicated. Premiums are usually higher as part of the premium is diverted into an investment fund within the policy. The premium is reviewed periodically, say every five or ten years, to see if the premium can support the level of cover being provided. In later years, cover may not be available for the premium being paid so the investment fund may then be used to supplement the premium and maintain the life cover required.

In this light, many people believe that a whole of life insurance policy is a better deal - after all, there is an investment that can be built up too! In many circumstances this is short sighted, and if you are buying a home for the first time or have a young family that are financially very heavily reliant upon you, then your budget may not stretch to the insurance cover needed under such circumstances. This is where a cheaper term insurance policy comes into it's own and can provide the protection without breaking the bank.

Whole of life insurance policies are however, very attractive as they provide the opportunity to provide insurance coverage throughout the entire life of the policy holder. The cash value that is built up over time also can be a valuable and ready source of funds in cases of emergency outside of a policy holders' normal financial planning. Whole of life insurance policies are frequently used by clients who are exposed to paying substantial inheritance taxes upon death and do not wish the taxman to decrease the value of the estate available for beneficiaries so a policy can be used to pay the tax instead.

When you are comparing and considering a life insurance policy, the first thing to do is to clarify and define your needs before moving on to costings and conditions. Establishing how much you need to insure yourself and for how long you will need the cover selected will allow you to tailor your insurance cover ar more exactly to your actual needs.

When ever you are going to be insured your main focus should be on your actual insurance coverage needs but not on the amount of premium or underwriting payments to policy maker. Once your mind is clear what you actually want for your beneficiaries than it would be very easy to select or find the right life insurance policies for your family and you make your life and loved ones life secure from all the financial constraints.

Don't think about purchasing health insurance, life insurance or dog insurance policies until you have visited us. is a goldmine for information related to insurance.

Importance Of Life Insurance When It Concerns Mortgage

Whole life insurance is known as full life coverage insurance policy. For mortgage debt coverage, life insurance policy is not necessary when you buy your home. The most suitable coverage for home insurance is affordable term life insurance.

One of the biggest financial decisions in anyone's life revolves around building a home. If you are buying a house first time then it will cost you even more. This puts a great strain on your financial status and thus getting a home mortgage life insurance policy might seem to be a good idea.

Whole term life insurance is very common these days. Most of the homebuyers already own this policy to cover their mortgage requirements and it can be repaid at the time of owner death. The best suggestion would be to buy separate insurance which covers the mortgage requirement. For the protection of your family daily living expenses should be bought separately so that your family gets enough funds which can sustain them after you die.

One of the most neglected financial commitments is the payment of loans and mortgage. You not only need to pay the loans and mortgages but also provide finances for day to day living or emergencies. Often it happens that the home needs to be sold only for the reason that the remaining family members do not have enough finances to cover for the cost of living after the death of the bread winner.

Another feature of affordable term policy, strange to mortgage policy, is the decreasing insurance coverage that is assured by the insurance company. When the mortgage is paid back to insurance company the debt also declines and need of life term insurance also decreases. The declining need of life coverage over life made policies is much cheaper than non-mortgage life insurance policies, because insurance provider risk is reduced.

There are different terms and conditions associated with mortgage life insurance policy. One of the features that you need to check when signing for this type of policy is that the outstanding mortgage is still covered till the end even when the actual mortgage is decreasing. Even if you update the terms and conditions of your mortgage then you must also ensure that this alteration does not affect the financial protection it provides to your loved ones through the mortgage life insurance.

Mortgage insurance is very cheap to buy and easy to arrange. Mortgage monthly installments are very low as it starts with few pennies a day as compared to cost of your lovely home. In the policy agreement all the details are noted about your age, whether you do smoking or trying to quit, length of term policy and the most important how much coverage you want will, at the end, determine cost of policy.

One of the biggest priority of anyone in his or her life is to ensure that even in case of their death they leave behind enough to ensure that their loved ones do not have to face financial problems. One of the gifts you can give to them is providing them with a house that they can call home even after your death. This is the time when the importance of the mortgage life insurance is more pronounced and understood.

Don't think about buying health insurance, life insurance or medical insurance policies unless you have visited us. is a goldmine for information related to insurance.

Using The Net To Find Affordable Flood Insurance

With new flood zone insurance providers joining the market in the UK every year, it has never been so easy to find the policy that is best for you. With retail outlets also offering coverage, pricing is more competitive than ever before, and it is you, the policy holder, that will reap the benefits.

Like the law of supply and demand states, the more people who are offering a similar good or service out there, the lower and more competitive the prices will be. This increases the consumers chance of finding a policy they can afford without sacrificing any of the quality they need and deserve.

That is why it is always wise to shop around for the appropriate company to give you the best flood zone insurance rates. You will find that if you make a comparison of the quotes and rates of each company, there is a difference in the cost of amounts for the same amount of cover of the same property and the same contents.

It is to your benefit to do some shopping around. Without multiple quotes and providers, you have no means by which to determine if the price being offered to you is the most competitive or the best one available. You should really consider getting quotes from all providers in your area and doing a side by side comparison of coverage and prices.

Without doing some comparison shopping, you have little basis for determining if the quote being offered to you provides maximum coverage or offers minimum cost. Take a little time, find out the companies providing coverage in your area, and get quotes of both price and coverage from all of them and compare them side by side to determine for yourself which is best for you.

It is easy to search for a flood insurance provider these days, and you can do so without ever leaving your home or office. With the convenience of the internet, you can find providers and their websites, and from there even get online quotes just by answering some simple questions. It saves you the cost of working with a salesperson, who may be gaining commission through sales in his or her office, and you can even usually purchase and pay for your policy online.

If you are uncomfortable doing all of this research yourself, you can always hire an independent broker to do the search for you. Because these brokers usually work on commission, they will do their very best to find you the top policy out there, so that you will choose to buy your policy through them.

By hiring a broker, you are saved the hassle of reading through policies and figuring out red tape restrictions and clauses, and a broker might even know places to look for policies that you might not have thought of. This can be very beneficial, but you must know that there will usually be a fee or commission associated with finding your flood insurance policy for you.

Searching for advice on flood insurance , flood insurance basics or lessening your flood insurance premium? is a goldmine for information on all aspects of flood insurance.

Top Seven Questions about Long Term Care Insurance

Concerned about paying for the care they might need as they age, growing numbers of people are considering long term care insurance. As with most complex topics, there are plenty of misconceptions surrounding it. Here are some of the most common questions people are asking.

Do I really need long term care insurance? I have plenty of other bills to pay.

Because of rising health care costs, longer life expectancies, and other trends, long term care insurance is worth serious consideration for most people. But it's not right for everyone. You may not want to buy a policy if the cost of premiums will affect your standard of living or if you can't realistically expect to be able to pay premiums until you need care. You may also be simply willing to bet that you won't need a significant amount of long term care.

I've heard it's expensive. How much are we talking about?

Premiums vary widely depending on policy features, benefits, age, location, health status, and other factors, but as a very rough ballpark figure, a 55-year-old single person might pay about $1,500 per year. A 65-year-old might pay about double that amount. In general, married people pay significantly less than single people, since married couples tend to provide some care for each other as they age.

Do I just have to keep paying premiums until I die?

In most cases, you pay premiums until you need long term care. With some policies, you can pay for your policy in full over a predetermined period, such as 10 or 20 years.

I think I want to buy a policy, but should I wait until I'm older? Many people don't think about long term care until their health begins to fail or they reach their sixties or seventies, but it's wise to start considering long term care insurance in your forties and fifties. The longer you wait, the higher your premiums will be. As you age, they may become prohibitive, and your age or health status may disqualify you for many policies.

Is long term care insurance tax-deductible?

People who have substantial medical expenses (more than 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income) can get a tax break for long term care insurance premiums as part of their medical expenses, up to age-based limits. Contact the IRS for more information.

Where do I shop for long term care insurance policies?

First, check with your employer to see if it offers long term care insurance?it may offer lower premiums and easier eligibility than you'll get elsewhere. An accountant or financial advisor can help you compare policies, and you can also buy insurance from an agent (who works for one company) or a broker (who represents multiple companies). A wide range of information, both biased and unbiased, is available online. Always make sure you know where the information is coming from.

What if I buy a policy and decide it's not right for me?

In most states, you can cancel your policy anytime during the first 30 days for a full refund of any premiums you've paid. Information about this and other protective measures is available from your state's insurance commission.

David Hayward writes for AGIS Networks, a pioneering online solutions portal for caregiving, eldercare, long term care and disability information with the mission to connect caregivers to information, resources, providers and programs that improve the quality of life of elders and family members. AGIS is dedicated to becoming the leading online resource to improve the quality of life for eldercare givers and recipients. Visit for more information.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Buying Insurance Online

Buying insurance is a major financial decision, and it is important to give this decision the time and care it needs. Buying insurance is more important and complex than most people realize. Neither is it like buying office supplies, and price alone should not be the deciding factor.

The purpose of buying insurance is to transfer your financial risk to the insurance company. It is a fact that buying insurance is practical nowadays and could save you from financial and emotional frustration.

Policies are available to cover an extended stay in a health care facility and even the cost of having a licensed nurse or health care worker treat you in your home. Professional brokers can recommend suitable policies after checking the products of a variety of providers on your behalf. Insurance companies know a great deal about probabilities and they price their policies to cover their risks and overhead costs while allowing for a healthy profit margin.

Nowadays, life insurance policies are closer to investment vehicles, as in many cases the insurance company simply invests your premiums for either a lump sum payment or a monthly payment to begin at a predetermined time.

If there are individuals who depend on you for financial support, or if you work at home providing your family with such services as child care, cooking, and cleaning, you need life insurance. If you are young and have children, or planning a family, life insurance can provide the means for them to finish their education if you're not around to help. There are many important purchases in life, but few are as critical to the long term financial well being of an individual or family as insurance.

If you are married, another way to share risk is to make sure both spouses are employable so your family isn't wholly dependent on only one income.

As long as you continue to pay the premiums, you are able to lock in coverage at a level premium rate. In return for your premiums (your money), an insurance company will contract the policy with you to pay for certain losses. So, generally the premiums will vary depending on the risk of the occurrence you are looking to cover.

The amount of premiums payable depends upon the type of policy, term of policy contract, sum assured and your age. Whether it is coverage for a personal car, one's home, or even supplemental accidental death and disability, the process is pretty much the same: call an agent, state the need, get a price and begin paying premiums.

The insurance market covers a wide range of areas, such as home, car, personal, medical, travel, accident and life, to mention a few of the common insurance policies available. General insurance is divided into six broad categories: home, vehicle, income protection, public liability, personal accident and travel. Protecting hard-earned assets from liability exposure due to property damage or personal injury, which can occur as a consequence of boat ownership, is prudent. For the purposes of security spending, risk management, or just about anything else, you still end up slicing things right down the middle of your personal probability spectrum.

Since buying insurance is buying something you hope you never really need, the only way you will find out if claims are handled efficiently is when you experience a loss, but the first and most important rule when buying insurance is DO NOT be "economical with the truth" - it could spell disaster.

Peter Fisher is webmaster for where you will find masses of information and assistance with buying insurance online for general insurance, health, travel and even wedding day insurance.