Monday, December 13, 2010

Updated Winter Storm: Flood Insurance

Heavy rains over the weekend raised the high rivers throughout the region, but the storms this morning began to move south. Many rivers in the region, according to FEMA, crested Sunday night, with most rivers crest Tuesday or Wednesday.

The office is particularly interested in South King County's Green River Valley, where we have developed what is called a "market assistance plan" to help organizations find flood insurance coverage. According to FEMA the amount of rainfall in this area "should not be concerned about the Howard Hanson Dam, activities, or flooding lower Green River Basin."

Yet, this is certainly a good time for a reminder: Contrary to what many think, home and business insurance coverage standard does not cover flood damage. Flood protection, you must purchase a separate flood insurance usually. If the property is a flood hazard area, you will probably need funding for this coverage.

Fortunately, the flood coverage is widely available in the National Flood Insurance Program. Learn more about this, and a link to your site easily to check the properties of the flood risk profile, to see the flood on the page.