Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sacred Buddhist Funeral Rites And Their Importance

By Vanessa Parks

Buddhism is practiced all over the globe, the core of which is taken from the fundamental teachings of Lord Buddha. Love and mercy for humanity and recognition of the Ultimate truth are essential in Buddhism.

These Buddhist teachings are apparent in the rites seen in a Buddhist funeral. When a Buddhist person dies, to make sure that their soul gets to a higher level in the next life, mandatory rites should be followed. Prayers are used to invoke the positive energies of the deceased, ensuring his or her deliverance from this life and wishing them the best for the next life.

A traditional ablution of the body marks the beginning of the Buddhist funeral rites. Monks are asked to chant different religious text, which are thought to give the deceased the right guidance to attain spiritual liberation. Then Buddha's teachings that emphasize on the importance of kindness and compassion are read out loud by the monks. Meanwhile, the body is prepared for the final rites. Friends and family members usually place some coins in the casket of the dead person. This is believed to help the deceased cross the River of Three Hells to reach his destination.

Then the friends and family pay their last respects to the deceased as the casket is put at the altar. While friends and relatives offer condolences, visitors are expected to pray for the dead person. The priests carrying out the rites keep reciting the sutras along with the proceedings. Once the chanting is complete, people bow before the altar to pay their final regards. As the visitors begin leaving, the family members give a gift to each other to show gratitude for sharing their sorrow.

Once these rituals are carried out, the deceased may then be either buried or cremated in accordance with the beliefs of the family members. The different ceremonies are a way of bringing peace to the family of the departed as they know their prayer offerings are aimed at elevating the status of the departed in his after life.

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