Saturday, January 16, 2010

Carbon Offset - A Great Way To Save The Planet

By Melody Carter

As the planet reels under increasing levels of environmental pollution and global warming, carbon offset has come as a saviour by incentivizing companies and governments to cut their carbon emissions.

Carbon offset is a way of decreasing the emission of harmful greenhouse gases through different ways like continuous reforestation initiatives, alternative and renewable energy supply etc. The carbon credits plan of the 2005 Kyoto Protocol, an international environmental treaty ratified by 170 nations in 2005 lays down the emission limits for countries, which further governs allowable emissions by industrial units.

The Protocol makes it compulsory for commercial entities emitting more than the allowed limit of carbon dioxide to cut down their emissions to prescribed levels, or they should purchase carbon credits certificates which can be transacted in the market, or alternatively pay a penalty for the emissions, which is referred to as carbon tax. Carbon credits, which are older than carbon offset, are the most popular and economical options for companies, with one credit allowing the owner to release 1000 kilograms of carbon dioxide into the environment. Many big corporations voluntarily purchase carbon credits in a bid to develop and project their carbon neutral stance in front of investors, customers, and business partners.

Another novel method, carbon offset, has opened up an excellent economic opportunity, especially in the third world countries, as the system provides adequate financing for eco-friendly projects that are designed to help decrease the overall carbon footprint on the planet. It therefore helps in promoting ecological projects related to reforestation, conservation of resources, and green energy alternatives like tidal energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, etc.

Apart from the industries, even ordinary persons are contributing to the environment by purchasing carbon offset and motivating others to do the same. Purchasing carbon offset is straightforward and can be easily executed on the internet through one of the many carbon offset provider websites; but it must be ensured that your money is making real influence through proper projects.

Although carbon offset is a great option we should also remember that we need to take more proactive steps by making small environment supportive decisions in our everyday lives. Small steps like turning off electrical devices and appliances when not in use, replacing fossil fuels by renewable fuels like biodiesel, and using LED lighting and low-energy bulbs can actually help a lot in reducing global emissions.

Carbon offset is still a new word for average people. Mass awareness on the subject through extensive education is required to bring us some steps closer to a clean and green planet.

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