Friday, October 9, 2009

Benefits Of Payroll Debit Card System For Small Business Organizations:

By Nathan Harris

The debit card payroll system ensures complete transparency of the payment transaction. By con-tacting the bank in charge of managing the payroll system, employers of the small companies can monitor the money transaction process and keep a check on their employees salary accounts.

Employees can also check their account balances quite easily through Internet or telephone. The employees can ask the bank that supervises all monetary transactions for a monthly statement of their account activities.

Employees can use payroll debit cards in the same way as prepaid cards, for shopping. As these cards work in affiliation with reputed prepaid credit card providers such as MasterCard and Visa, employees can use them in most countries across the world. They can use these cards in any ATM center to receive money in a convenient way.

Payroll services involving payroll debit cards can prove to be a better alternative than traditional payment methods involving the use of paper checks. Payroll debit cards can save a considerable amount of a companys money by eliminating the costs involved in printing paychecks.

Furthermore, these cards also save a considerable amount of money that is spent in distributing paper checks. This can boost the business prospects of small companies.

A payroll debit card system allows the employers to send money instantly into the accounts of the employees that do not posses a savings or checking account. Thus, small companies, consisting of temporary or seasonal employees can benefit a great deal from payroll debit cards. They can also issue these cards to young employees that are not eligible for a direct deposit payroll scheme.

Payroll debit cards can prove to be a potent tool in enhancing a companys business prospects. Many small business establishments in Asia, Europe, America and the Middle East have reaped the benefits of the payroll solutions offered by payroll debit cards.

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