Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Speed Reading Works

By Dr. Jay Polmar


Various hand movements can cause acceleration of reading speed. We are about to introduce you to several hand movements that will accelerate your reading ability. Try each one and see which suits you best.


The basic pacing movement uses your index finger of your dominant hand, i.e. right handed use right hand, to scan a line by running your finger under the type you are reading. Always turn the page with the unused, non-dominant hand. Don't move your head, keep it still.

To understand this concept, you must understand that your nemesis "The Babbler" (your own inner voice) is reading to you in silent speech and then it goes into your brain.

We did experiments in Hawaii, New Mexico, Florida, and elsewhere. It appears that those with the slowest speaking rates have naturally slow reading rates. With this method, your speaking rate will no longer restrict your reading speed. You will read as fast as you can think. Yes, you can read as fast as your mind can work.

To understand this concept, you must understand that you've got this nemesis, an inner voice who is reading to you in silent speech and then it goes into your brain. We did experiments in Hawaii, Texas, New Mexico, Florida, and elsewhere. It appears that those with the slowest speaking rates have naturally slow reading rates. With this method, your rate of speech won't limit your reading speed. You can read as fast as you can think. What I am saying is you can read as fast as your mind can work.

Extend your index finger, close all others. Use you index finger as a beginner Speed reading student and run it under the line of type you are reading..

Through the DYNAMIC SPEED READING program you'll learn to develop these skills which will enhance your reading ability and speed simply by reading.

DYNAMIC SPEED READING program will teach you how to develop these skills to enhance your reading ability and speed through practice and exercises. Soon, you could soon be reading twice as fast as you ever have and retaining valuable information to increase your comprehension and improve your grades.

Dr. Jay Polmar is the founder of, a research organization that's developed speed reading courses for people worldwide and has taught over 100,000 students throughout the world.

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