Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Compare loan protection cover

Individuals are sometimes totally unaware that they are able to take out loan protection cover from a standalone specialist provider. High street lenders do not make it know that the consumer has choices and they can shop around. This is due to them raking in huge profits that are thought to be around £4 billion a year.

By going to an independent specialist for your quote, you are able to knock hundreds of pounds off the cost in comparison to the quotes high street lenders offer. In some cases, protecting your loan repayments with the high street lender can boost up the cost of a cheap loan by almost half again.

You also have to be aware of high street lenders adding cover onto the cost of the borrowing without you realising. Some will do this and then calculate the interest of the loan on top of the borrowing and protection. The borrowing is not dependent on you taking a policy out with the loan. By shopping around with an independent provider, you will also have access to a wide range of information relating to payment protection. Learning as much about the product you are considering is essential before actually taking it out.

As a rule, loan protection cover would begin to provide the policyholder with a tax-free income should they lose their income after a defined period. The waiting period before commencement of the cover depends on the provider. This is usually between day 30 and 90 of continually being unfit or unemployed. Once the policy had commenced it would then continue to give benefit for between 12 months and 24 months. You should also check to make sure, if the provider would backdate the policy to the first day. Some do but others do not. This can be found in the key facts along with any exclusions that might apply.

Despite negative press that has surrounded payment protection cover and the related policies, it is still a worthwhile product. In 2005 an investigation began into the sector which revealed that polices had been mis-sold. This was brought to the attention of the Office of Fair Trading by the Citizens Advice. Following this, both the Office of Fair Trading and the Financial Services Authority investigated the sector. Fines were given to many well known names on the high street and the sector was referred to the Competition Commission. They are currently conducting an in-depth review of the protection insurance industry.

One of the changes for the better that will arise from this is the introduction of comparison tables. The tables will allow the consumer to choose the right type of policy for their needs. Loan protection cover protects the loan and credit card repayments. However, there is also income and mortgage protection available. The tables will also highlight the essential information regarding the policy. These can include the exclusions and how much a policy would cost.

It is important to remember that the actual products do work in the way they are designed. When it comes to mis-selling, it has been a lack of information given at the time of selling that has caused the majority of problems. Loan protection cover can be a valuable back up plan and faith should be restored in it.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of loan protection cover, mortgage protection insurance and income protection insurance.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Do you understand loan protection insurance?

Understanding what you are buying is essential when it comes to making the product work in the way it was designed. Loan protection insurance is no exception and can be a valuable asset to have in your corner despite the negativity that has surrounded the cover.

Loan protection insurance can be taken out by those individuals who work full time. They can protect their loan or credit card repayments if they should find themselves unable to work due to accident, illness or unemployment. The policyholder would receive an income that would be tax-free after a pre-determined amount of time.

The waiting period depends on the provider but is usually between 30 and 90 days after becoming unemployed or unfit for work. Once the policy had started to provide the individual with an income, it would then carry on for between 12 and 24 months. The key facts should be given with the policy before buying and these must be read. It is a lack of information at the time of buying cover that has led to many problems relating to loan protection and polices being mis-sold.

The cost of the premiums for loan protection insurance varies greatly. On the one hand taking out cover alongside the loan at the time of borrowing can almost double the cheap loan. The cheapest possible loan protection can be taken with a standalone provider. By getting a quote from the standalone provider, you are also more likely to get access to the information needed regarding cover. These include when the policy would begin and end and the exclusions which can be found in all polices.

Loan protection insurance can be a lifeline despite the fact that faith has dropped in the sector. This resulted from an investigation that began in 2005 after the Office of Fair Trading announced mis-selling. This was sparked by a super complaint from the Citizens Advice. Mis-selling was found to be widespread and the Financial Services laid out changes that needed to be made within the sector. Along with this, they fined several names on the high street and meanwhile continue their investigation. They also referred the sector to the Competition Commission for an in-depth review.

There has been some changes made already and the Financial Services Authority plan to introduce comparison tables in 2008. It is hoped that these will make loan protection insurance and the related products much easier to understand. Currently consumers find policies confusing; this is generally due to the technical jargon associated with the cover.

The comparison tables will make the products more transparent. They will highlight exclusions and the cost of a policy. They will also help the consumer to choose which type of payment protection would be the most suitable. Loan protection insurance will help when it comes to the loan and credit card repayments. However, there is also mortgage and income protection to be considered. The tables will ask the consumer a series of questions relating to their circumstance. This will then lead to them buying a policy that is more suited to their personal circumstances.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of loan protection insurance, mortgage protection insurance and income protection insurance.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Loan insurance is not all bad

While we hear about the bad facts surrounding loan insurance, the fact of the matter is that it is not all bad. There are good points to the cover and it can be an essential safety net on which to fall. If you were to suffer an accident or illness of were to become unemployed you could be left struggling. However, with a policy you would have the income needed to continue servicing your loan or credit card repayments.

Providing you have checked that the type of cover would be suitable, there are exclusions and different types of protection, you would have peace of mind. Loan insurance would give you a tax-free income after a pre-defined period of waiting. With the majority of policies, this is between 30 and 90 days of continually being unemployed or being declared unfit for work. Once the cover has started to provide benefit, it would continue to do so for between 12 months and 24 months. You have to read the key facts that are supplied with the policy to find out and this is also where you can find exclusions that can apply.

Loan insurance does not have to be taken out at the time of borrowing. In the majority of cases this is often the dearest way of protection your borrowing. Some high street lenders will add cover onto the cost of the loan and then factor in the interest. When this is done, the protection could almost double the cost of the cheap loan. The cheapest premiums are to be found with independent providers but again they vary so shop around for the cheapest quotes. As the standalone provider only sells payment protection policies they back up their products with essential advice and knowledge in regards to the products. This means you make savings while getting a quality product and make savings. In some cases, this can be hundreds of pounds, so it does pay to shop around.

There have been problems in the past with payment protection insurance. The problems have included cover being added onto the loan or mortgage without the consumer being aware. High premiums have been charged for the cover. In addition, very little information was given to the consumer at the time of buying. When the investigation started into the sector in 2005, the Financial Services Authority laid out recommendations for firms to follow. While some have changed their ways, others are still falling short. The Financial Services Authority fined several well-known high street names in 2007 and they continue to watch over the sector. Meanwhile the Competition Commission is also conducting an in-depth review of the sector.

It is imperative to remember that loan insurance can do the job it is intended to do. All that is needed is for the individual considering buying it to read the information that a specialist payment protection insurance provider will make available and to ensure that the cover fully meets their needs. Check out the premiums, start and end times of the cover; and watch out for any exclusions.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of loan insurance, mortgage protection insurance and income protection insurance.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Loan protection can give a tax-free income

Loan protection can give the policyholder a monthly income, which is tax-free. A policy would insure against the policyholder being made unemployed by such as redundancy. It would also safeguard against accident or illness.

In order to take out a policy the individual must be in full time employment. Must be aged between 18-65 years of age, plus there will be other requirements. A policy would give the individual an income after a certain period. This will be set out in the terms and conditions and must be read.

Usually the waiting period will be between 30 and 90 days of being continually unable to attend work or of becoming unemployed. It is also worthwhile checking to see if the policy would be backdated to the first day. Some providers will offer this and others do not. After the commencement of the cover, it would continue to provide security by way of an income for between 12 and 24 months. In the majority of cases, this is more than enough time to get back on your feet or to find another position.

A loan protection policy with an ethical standalone provider will cost less than taking the cover alongside the borrowing with the high street lender. Even then, get several quotes because premiums do vary greatly. As does the information given before, you buy. A policy taken with the high street lender could almost double the cost of a cheap loan. High street lenders are estimated to rake in around £4 billion in profits from sales of payment protection. Cheaper quotes are always found with independent specialist providers.

Problems began in 2005 for the sector and this led to a decline in faith in payment protection products. The Citizens Advice made a super complaint to the Office of Fair Trading and then followed an investigation. The Financial Services Authority also began their own investigation, which resulted in several well-known high street names being handed fines. While they continue to keep an eye on the sector, they also referred the sector to the Competition Commission. They are currently conducting an in-depth review and some changes have already been seen.

One of the biggest changes is set to launch in 2008 when the Financial Services Authority introduce comparison tables. The tables will show how much a policy would cost and make the consumer aware that there are exclusions. They will also help when it comes to choosing the type of policy. Loan protection is just one form of protection that can be taken. There is also mortgage and income protection. These protect the same but for different reasons. The tables will ask the consumer a series of questions, which they will answer. This will then lead them to the correct policy for their needs.

Loan protection has earned itself a bad name but there is also much good to be considered. When taken out after reading the information a specialist will provide the cover can give peace of mind. The income it provides would allow the policyholder the security needed to concentrate on recovering from an accident or illness. It would also give them time needed to find another job in the case of redundancy.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of loan protection, mortgage protection insurance and income protection insurance.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Career Insurance Agency Leads are Killing You

Sly, clever, deceiving, crafty, cunning, misleading, and devious. These are terms you may blurt out after looking behind the scenes. (omitted are all the 4 letter ones)

The career life insurance agency located in a modern suburban office looks like the ideal place to call home. But is it? Have you been told before studying for my insurance license that there's more than a 90% chance that you will be long gone before 4 years are up. Tomorrow ask your sales manager this question and wait for the response.

Ask yourself why are they willing to pay a sales manager to guide me and office rent for a cubicle to do busy work? Why do they initially money subsidize my commissions before releasing me on my own? Why am I required to learn the sales presentation book and canned sales speech word for word?

What has their 100 years of experience taught them? Pick the one that sounds most logical to you. My Insurance company is out to make the most money they can from agents and dividends. My sales manager and insurance company is going to everything possible to keep me from failing.

Do they actually want you to fail? NO COMMENT Let's just look at the "lead" system, which I call "the train to nowhere", There are 5 main delivery cars all carrying you along the one-way path to your final destiny. UNLESS you really want an insurance CAREER!

First is the infamous "100 man list". Before you start selling you are required to fully complete this form of names, addresses, phones, and how you know them. The sales manger says you will sell half and receive 3 referrals on each sale - an endless supply. Off this list, you might make a few sales, often from a relative trying to give you a break. The lesson to learn is just because a person is a friend or relative, it does not obligate them to buy.

Your sales manager should take you to see how easy selling life insurance is. He received his lead from the General Manager for a couple wanting to buy insurance. Don't be shocked if he does not take his sales presentation book in with him. Bite your tongue when the sales manager's presentation is nothing like you had to learn word for word, and not a single word different. The lesson you really learned is only the sales managers get true leads.

Wow, look at bonus policy owner leads! At the meeting the sales manager said he has a ton of leads to boost your production back up. Each of the dozen salespeople received a whopping stack of 50 leads. Your sales manager says that because they are current policyholders, they would be easy buyers. Fantastic, you day has come and your commissions should flow.

Did you know this fact? The sales manager has already spent a day cherry picking the card information, taking best few for himself. Why not? All the other sales managers do it.

After close scrutiny of the "leads", you will find many policy owners living far for your normal territory. They will have a tendency to be mostly over age 50, have health problems, and own minimal amounts of life insurance. After managing to go through 25 "leads", ask yourself, "what's wrong with this picture?" Ask other agents to find this truth. Four times each year the insurance company prints up orphan low premium policy owner cards and make sure they are fed mainly to newer agents.That means your "leads" were already unsuccessfully worked by over 60 agents.

This last group comes from the "bible" of leads, a brand new edition of the phone directory. You should also receive an official company sales script manual for making telephone calls(dated 1985). It had insurance company answers for every possible objection you could receive. (it also contains a lot of scribbling of 4 letter words left by former agents).

Now the final car rolls in. Because you try so hard, the sales manager gives YOU a special bonus. The bonus is a photocopied sheet containing 50 slots to fill in names, addresses, and phone numbers each week. The agency, will every week, would send out your 50 name list for FREE, asking people to request information on one of 25 insurance choices. These are not leads and you are still on the train to nowhere.

Ask your sales manager to describe to you the definition of a lead. Check the reply against this. The ideal lead is a mail response obtained using a direct mail list consisting solely of clients often purchasing one main product, with decent health and money for the policy premium. How many of these features do company leads provide?

Get off the death train. Go on the internet and search direct mail insurance leads. Warning, at this stage use extreme caution on internet leads. Come out from six feet under, start your own lead program. For every dollar spent, if you are a true insurance salesman, the return should be better than 5 to 1.

Surprise your sales manager. Get your name on top of the leaders sales board, leapfrogging his position with no problem.

Don Yerke started at age 20 as a rookie insurance agent. Now he is the marketing adviser at Agents Insurance Marketing USA, a firm he founded over 25 years ago. The over 150 page website is located at This is the premier firm in providing carefully refined and selected Department of Insurance agent name lists. Our clients are comprised of insurance company recruiting directors, independent marketing organizations,

Contents Home Insurance

Although contents home insurance is not compulsory, the cost for you to replace your possessions should you be the victim of fire, flood or a burglary, is likely to be greater than you may think. It is for these reasons that obtaining adequate contents insurance is so important. Many insurers will be able to offer you a discount on if you take out your buildings and contents insurance with them.

Contents home insurance will cover items such as furniture, carpets, curtains and many may include the replacement of food. You may find that some policies will provide you with cover are outside of your home such as paying to replace items in your handbag should it be stolen.

Many eventualities are covered by your insurance policy and some of these are of greater importance than others and include: damage by fire or flooding, possible earthquake damage and vandalism and theft. Contents insurance policies do however have some exceptions and these will often include willful damage and damage caused by DIY so make sure that you you’re your policy carefully and are aware of this. Due to some items not be of such great value, it may be worthwhile replacing some items yourself and not making a claim on your policy.

Contents insurance policies sometimes offer an extension to insure items that would perhaps not normally be covered under the standard policy. Often this may come at an extra cost but may come as standard by some insurance companies so make sure to look out for this.

Many companies will offer you new for old cover which will cover the cost of replacing the item that has been damaged or stolen with a new version. This type of cover can cost a little more but it is worth paying the extra to insure expensive items such as furniture and electrical items. Exceptions that you may find often include items of clothing.

An indemnity policy provides an alternative to the new for old cover and will take into account any wear and tear to an item. When the item is replaced the cost of replacing it is then paid out but with a deduction for everyday wear and tear and for any depreciation.

Before taking out a policy of any type, make sure that you check your house thoroughly and are aware of the contents and their value so that you do not leave yourself inadequately covered. Any items that are not included with your policy plan, such as expensive artifacts and paintings should be checked to see if your policy provider offers extra cover for these items. It may be better to get these items insured separately with a specialist insurer.

The majority of contents home insurance policies will have insured sum linked to the rate of inflation to allow for the increasing cost of the items so that you are always sufficiently covered. You may however want to periodically check on the changing value of the more expensive items and especially if you have items that are particularly valuable.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best insurance deal on their home insurance, car and life insurance.

Buildings Home Insurance

Buildings home insurance offers you protection against the structure of your house, along with that of the permanent fixtures such as the toilet, baths and fitted kitchens. The test is if the fixture can be removed and then moved somewhere new. Many buildings home insurance policies will often also include garden sheds, greenhouses and garages but not always boundary walls and fences, paths and gates, so check this fist as these can also amount to a considerable amount.

When buying a new house you will find that your mortgage lender will recommend that you take out buildings home insurance cover and may in many cases attempt to sell you an insurance policy. In such cases it is important to remember that you are under no obligation to take this cover and that you may be better off looking at what other companies can offer you, so you should definitely compare their offer with the vast number of other insurance companies that are available. If you own a flat then you will most likely find that the freeholder will arrange insurance, and if your home is rented then the owner of the property will arrange the cover.

A good buildings insurance policy will cover funds so that you are able to rebuild your home should it be destroyed or damaged to such an extent that this is deemed necessary. The amount of cover that you get will be equivalent to the cost needed to rebuild your home, commonly referred to as the ‘sum insured’. This value is the most that your insurer will pay out and it may be more or less then the market value of the property.

Some insurance companies will offer you unlimited cover, whilst others may offer premiums based on a simple assessment of where you live and the type, size and age of your property. It goes without saying that if you live in a subsidence prone zone you’re your premiums are going to be higher. The majority of policies have an excess which is typically between £50 and £100, which you will be required to meet on any claim that you make. Your policy will most likely be kept up to date by index-linking your sum insured to take into account any changes that may take place in rebuilding costs.

It is worth checking that the insurance company does and you should make sure that you tell your insurer should you make any improvements to the house. Your policy may also offer you alternative accommodation should the need arise. Please make sure that you do not choose the cheapest building insurance but make sure that it meets all your requirements.

Depending on where you get your buildings home insurance from, you will find that some may only cover the market value. A good insurance policy will also sometimes be able to offer you cover against any damage that should result from an event that is out of your hands such as flooding, fire and subsidence, and also damage caused by theft, storms and vandalism. Accidental damage that can occur to any underground pipes and cables or glass in doors or windows is also often covered.

However, you may find that any damage resulting from a DIY accident may or may not be covered, so if you know you will be doing a lot of DIY you may want to think about including this or checking that your existing policy will cover you for this. Of course, as with all types of insurance there will be some exclusion so be aware that these can include storm damage to gates and fences and frost damage.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best insurance deal on their home insurance, car and life insurance.

Compare Life Assurance Using The Internet

Life assurance is a policy that is provided by an insurance company and will pay out to your family either a lump sum or a series of smaller sums in the event of your death. Some offer a guaranteed payout whilst some will expire after a given time. Some have a set payout, whilst others offer more flexibility. The best way to cut the cost of your insurance is to compare life assurance and make sure that you do not settle for the first quote you are offered, but that you look around thoroughly first in order to get the best deal that is available for you. By simply accepting the cheapest quote you find you could be compromising on the level of cover you are receiving.

A Term life assurance policy offers you with basic cover over a set number of years. This type of policy requires that you make a regular payment and will pay a lump sum. If the policy does expire and the policyholder is still alive then there will not be any payment. Premiums will vary depending on various factors such as age, health and occupation.

Critical illness cover can cover debilitating conditions such as heart attack or stroke, cancer and the cover will then pay out a lump amount upon diagnosis of illness but will not contribute in anyway towards treatment. Always make sure that you are fully aware of the exact which conditions the policy covers so that you do not get a nasty shock.

Level Term assurance will help your family as it will pay a lump sum in the event of the holder’s death during the term of the policy. The payout amount is assured and will remain unchanged throughout. No payout will be given should you outlive the term of your policy.

Decreasing Term assurance means that the amount that will be paid steadily decreases during the term of the policy. This type of policy is very often used to cover mortgages. Whole-of-life assurance guarantees a lump sum should the policyholder die, whenever this is. As a payout is in effect guaranteed, this type of policy is more expensive than a basic term would be.

An Endowment life assurance policy is fundamentally life assurance attached to a savings scheme. They will pay out any accumulated returns at the end of the term, or before should the holder die during the term. Family income benefit provides your family with a series of regular payments instead of all in one go. This type of policy is used to replace a lost salary.

The cost of policies that are offered by a life assurance company can vary considerably, and will depend on the type of policy, the length of the term, the flexibility that the policy has and how many people will be covered by the policy, and so make sure you compare life assurance policies thoroughly. An insurance company will use a mortality table to decide upon the cost of a policy for a particular individual, using criteria such as age, gender, occupation and smoker/non-smoker status as these are important factors. A loading will then be added which relates to your medical history and current lifestyle. Reports from your GP or in some cases a medical examination are often requested.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best deal on their life insurance, critical illness cover and home and motor insurance.

Fight Back: Lower your Car Insurance costs

Car Insurance renewal time - It's probably everyone's least favorite time of the year. Now, if you're lucky enough not to have an increase in your policy, congratulations! But, if your one of the thousands of car insurance policy holders who received an increase on your policy this year, this money saving article on car insurance is for you.

Car Insurance rates are on the rise: For the second quarter in a row, the average lowest car insurance quote has been higher in 2007 then in the same 3-month period in 2006. Near the end of each fiscal quarter, an online insurance marketplace, studies car insurance quotes obtained from people shopping for car insurance. The study performed by Kanetix, looked at the lowest quote given during the months of October, November and December of 2007 by Canadian insurance shoppers, calculated an average, and compared it to the same quotes for 2006. The study performed indicated a 5.3% increase year-over-year. Whereas last quarters study only suggested a 1.5% raise in car insurance premiums. Be prepared to fight back and follow these useful tips that may help you lower your car insurance premium.

Top five tips to fight the rising cost of car insurance:

Ignore the myths surrounding car insurance premiums.

Contrary to popular belief; car insurance premiums across insurance companies aren't the same! Consider this, what you are paying now with your current insurer could be thousands more, or thousands of dollars less with another company. In actual fact, auto insurance rates per each insurer are so unique that one can say that there are no two car insurance policies alike.

Shop around for quotes

Use a service that does the shopping for you! Let do all the dirty work for you. Simply input your information and receive multiple quotes from competing insurers. This is one of the most effective ways to see if you can lower your car insurance rate.

Never pay for quotes

When shopping around for car insurance you should never pay to get quotes whether you're researching online, or offline. Services like kanetix.cawich offer online insurance comparison will never charge you to receive car insurance quotes from competing insurers and will never add any hidden fees to the quotes you receive.

When shopping, compare oranges to oranges!

Be consistent while you are comparing car insurance rates; always include the same deductibles, coverages such as collision and comprehensive, and limitations so you're comparing similar rates. The majority of comparison sites will automatically calculate these for you. Nevertheless, keep this in mind while researching offline.

Not only should "bad drivers" shop around but everyone should!

This is being stated on its own but is a combination of the two tips above. Too frequently, drivers think that only those with bad driving histories have to shop around to find the best car insurance rate; to find coverage period, not so much as to find a decent price. Good drivers or bad, should all shop around to ensure that they are receiving the best-quoted price for the type of coverage they need.

Join thousands of Canadian insurance shoppers on the fight to finding a lower car insurance rate at where you will find insurers competing to give you the best possible Car Insurance rate available to you!

Paul S. Gregg is part of the online marketing team at Kanetix is Canada's leading insurance marketplace, helping more than 100,000 insurance shoppers a month to save time and money with their insurance needs. Visit today to receive your free Car Insurance quote!

Car Insurance Brokers

A car insurance broker is an independent agent that offers representation to the buyer, rather than the insurance company, with their insurance transactions, unlike an insurance agent, and aims to find the buyer the best policy by comparing a variety of quotes. There are literally hundreds of Insurance Brokers throughout the United Kingdom and many are now available online to offer ease of use.

The majority of the larger car insurance brokers and many of the smaller specialist brokers are now able to provide you with instant access to a great variety of quotes, and you will only have to fill in the online form once, so it can save you a great deal of time and leg work! They can research the market for you and offer a personal service. They are also a good choice as they can act on your behalf when it comes to making a claim, which again can take some of the stress out of it.

A car insurance broker can be the perfect person to get in touch with if the type of policy you need is perhaps a little different to the norm, such as if you own a classic car which many insurance companies will not offer you a great deal of choice. They can also be of great help if you have a less then perfect driving history such as making a number of claims or if you have any driving convictions.

As an insurance broker can offer a specialist service in certain areas, they will be capable of giving you a greater amount of choice from a number of companies and cheaper premiums than can be offered from individual websites. They can also offer you professional advice on the form of cover that is most appropriate for you. Such a good personal service will come at some cost though and often a policy taken out through a specialist car insurance broker may cost you more, largely because they receive a commission.

Brokers also have the benefit of being able to negotiate a selection of rates with insurers for the same car insurance policy and some may have lower overheads and decide to take less commission to secure your sale.

There is also the option of an online brokerage/intermediary, which will have a variety and number of insurers on their books. When you obtain a quote from them, they will search for it from their list of insurers. Bear in mind that not all insurers on a panel will offer competitive quotes.

The first step to take when it comes to getting cheaper car insurance is to make sure you look around for the best deal and the best way to do this may be an online car insurance broker website as they will be able to search the marketplace and find you the best deal. By checking out car insurance online you have the advantage of being able to get almost instant quotes from a wide variety of insurance companies.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to giving consumers the best insurance deal. They offer great value home, life and car insurance.

Pet Health Insurance - The 5 Benefits

Insurance is there to assist you financially and provide you with peace of mind in the event that something unexpected occurs. Think about all the things that you have insurance for your health, your life, your car and house. Why not add pet health insurance to this list? Here are some very good reasons to get pet insurance…

1. It’s affordable With plans starting as low as 15 dollars a month, practically everyone can afford to cover their pet. People who own more than one pet might even be able to take advantage of multiple pet discounts. There is such a thing as cheap pet insurance!

2. It covers pets whether they’re indoors or outdoors Think indoor pets don’t need insurance? Think again. Suppose your pet were involved in an accident inside the home? Practically no one can stay home 24 hours a day to watch over their pet. Regardless of whether they’re inside or out, your pet can become ill when you least expect it. Would you be able to afford the high cost of saving your pet’s life?

3. It can save you money �" when it’s really important The costs of vaccinations and regular treatments might be less than the monthly premium. But what about the cost of an unexpected surgery? If the emergency procedure to save your pet’s life cost thousands of dollars, would you be able to afford it? If not, then what?

4. It makes sense �" and makes you look smart If you take into consideration all the things that could go wrong with your pet, having pet insurance makes sense. You simply cannot predict when your otherwise healthy cat will be diagnosed with a life threatening disease. You don’t know when your dog will get out of its yard or escape its leash and get attacked by another dog. Whether you have the absolute best pet insurance or a lower cost plan that better fits your needs, being proactive and getting insurance before anything unfortunate and unexpected happens will make you look smart.

5. It’s easy to find a plan. No matter what kind and how many pets you have, there is a plan out there that will fit your budget. VPI pet insurance, for example, will even cover exotic pets like hedgehogs and pot-bellied pigs.

There is a wealth of information online to help you pick a plan, and if you're looking to make your options easy, check out this free "Guide To Pet Insurance" that is giving away as a complimentary gift for visiting the site.

Brandon James is the main writer for, a pet insurance comparison and educational site where you can compare several pet insurance plans, get immediate pet insurance quotes and receive your free "Guide To Pet Insurance" via e-mail. Visit us today!


Term insurance provides life insurance protection for a designated number of years--anywhere from one year to thirty years. It is pure insurance protection only as it accumulates no cash values and expires with no value at the end of the term. It is less costly than permanent forms of insurance as the premiums are calculated to cover the costs of mortality (death benefit of policy) and expenses of the company only without a reserve for cash values.

It should be noted that the shorter the initial term coverage, the lower the premium. A five-year term would be less costly than a ten-year term. If someone is in need of a large amount of insurance and does not have a lot of money for premium payment, term insurance would be an appropriate selection.

There are three types of term insurance. They are level term, decreasing term, and increasing term.

Level term and decreasing term are the two most common forms of term insurance.

Level term insurance provides for a level death benefit and a level premium. If a person purchased a $100,000 ten-year level term, the policy would pay $100,000 any time the insured person died during the ten-year period. The premium payment also would remain the same during the ten-year period. At the end of ten years, the policy would end without value.

Decreasing term insurance has a death benefit that decreases, but the premiums remain constant or level. If someone purchased a $100,000 ten-year decreasing term policy, the face amount of the policy would be zero at the end of ten years although the premium would stay the same during the whole period.

This becomes a costly form of insurance toward the end of the term. Decreasing term insurance is used frequently to cover decreasing financial obligations. To be assured the home mortgage is paid off in the event of the untimely death of a borrower, a person may wish to purchase insurance to pay off the debt. As the financial obligation on a home loan decreases through time, the necessary amount of insurance coverage to pay off the loan also decreases. This is mortgage redemption insurance.

Increasing term insurance is not as common as level or decreasing term. This type of term insurance has a death benefit that increases at periodic intervals. The amount of increase can be either a specific amount or a percentage of the original amount. Although this could be a separate policy, it is normally written as a rider to a permanent policy, such as the cost of living rider or the return of premium rider.

You can Learn more about Term Life Insurance by watching these Videos Here

Pet Insurance Quotes

Having insurance for your pet is just as important as insuring a car or insuring the loved ones in your family. However, there are still some people who have not gotten it yet even though they are considering it. If this sounds like you then read on and look at the tips we have provided for you. These tips will help you pick the right insurance policy for you and your pet.

The first thing that you need to do is assess your needs and the needs of your pet. You should write down on a sheet of paper what exactly you require from your pet insurance. Some people want regular pet care to be covered such as routine check ups, vaccinations and teeth cleaning. Other people want insurance that will cover any damages that your pet may create, while others still want their insurance to cover any major illness of the pet such as cancer. However, it is possible that you may not find an insurance policy that will cover all of your needs, so you should consider prioritizing your needs. Be very clear as to what is the most important and what would just be a nice added bonus.

You can pick several policies that look good to you and ask your veterinarian about them. You should be sure that your veterinarian accepts certain policies. This may help to reduce the pile of the initial policies you have chosen. In addition they can also give you recommendations about companies they feel would service you well. Doctors don't want to deal with bad insurance companies as much as you don't. There is nothing more frustrating for a doctor when their payments are slow to come because the company isn't filing the claim very fast.

So now that you have your veterinarian's recommendations and you have a list of your top needs you can compare the policies that you have left. You can get a quote on these policies provided by various companies. Then all you have to do is compare the quotes and double check all the fine print so you are sure there will be no surprises. At this point you should be able to narrow your choices down to two or three companies. Then you should make an appointment with a representative to get some more information. You are then able to ask any questions that you still have about the policies and get clarification.

In addition the representative will want to ask you questions. You should be prepared to answer a variety of questions concerning your pet's health and history. After you have met with the representative you should have all the information that you need to make the right decision. Be sure that you tell representatives that you are talking with about other quotes that have been provided from other companies. This may want to make them reduce their rates for you so you will choose them.

Milos Pesic is a veterinary doctor who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Pet Insurance web site. If you want to know more about Pet insurance, Dog insurance, Cat insurance, Pet insurance Online and much more visit his site at:

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Loan cover is worth considering

Loan cover should be considered if you have monthly loan and credit card repayments to make. The lender will not be interested in any change of your circumstances. All they care about is your monthly repayments and this is where loan protection can help. It insures against being unable to work due to accident and sickness or unemployment caused by no problem of your own.

Loan protection would give you the money needed to continue meeting your loan and credit card outgoings. This would ensure that you would not have the lender on your back. It would also ensure you would not earn yourself a bad credit rating or even worse. In the worst case, you could be forced to give up your possessions to pay off the loan. You could even lose your home if the loan was secured against it.

The cost of protecting will vary depending on where you choose to take out the policy. You do have options for buying. The loan does not depend on you taking out cover at the same time with the high street lender. High street lenders make around £4 billion a year by selling payment protection alongside their loans. You should choose to shop around with independent providers and get several quotes for the cheapest possible cover. This will also ensure that you get a quality product and as independent providers specialise in payment protection your product is backed with experience.

Loan cover would begin to benefit the policyholder once they had been declared unfit for work or unemployed for a certain period. This varies but is usually within 30 to 90 days. Some providers will backdate their cover to the first day of you being unfit or unemployed. Once the policy has begun, it would carry on for between 12 and 24 months, depending on the actual provider. You are able to find out when the policy would begin and end in the key facts and find out about exclusions, which could apply.

The sector has seen problems in regards to policies being mis-sold. However, this is mainly due to a lack of information at the time of being sold the policy. The consumer has to ensure that loan cover is the right type of payment protection. There are mortgage and income protection policies to consider too. Currently there is little information regarding policies, however this could soon change with the introduction of comparison tables in 2008 by the Financial Services Authority.

It is hoped that the tables will shed some light on loan cover and the related products. They will mention the exclusions and make the consumer aware of how much a policy would cost. They will also help the consumer to make the correct choice of policies. They will be given a series of questions to answer which are based on the individual's circumstances. This will then point them in the right direction for which choice would be better. It is also important to remember that it is not payment protection products that are to blame for faults within the sector, but those who sell them with no experience.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of loan cover, mortgage protection insurance and income protection insurance.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Income protection ensures you are not left struggling

If you do not want to be left struggling if you should lose your income through such as redundancy, then income protection should be considered. Income cover would allow you the peace of mind of a tax-free sum each month. This income would replace your own up to a certain amount and would mean you could continue paying essential outgoings.

While you could use your redundancy money if you had enough, this would make a big dent in it, especially if you were to be unemployed for many months on end. A better way of securing a monthly tax-free income is with income protection insurance. You would have to be able to maintain all of your outgoings if you did not want to see changes. This could include such as rent, mortgage, loan and credit card repayment. These are all essential as by getting behind on your mortgage means you are at risk of losing your home. Then you would have to take into account all other monthly outgoings. These include gas, electricity, food bills and any other outgoings.

When looking for income protection, go with standalone specialists for the policy. Check out several quotes in order to get the cheapest. All specialists will only sell payment protection and as such, you are assured of getting a quality product backed with experience. The terms and conditions should be checked as they can vary along with the cost. It is here where you can find valuable information about the protection. This includes when the cover would begin and end and mentions the exclusions that usually can be found in all cover.

The majority of providers offer policies that would begin to provide the policyholder with an income between the 30th and 90th day of unemployment. You can find that some providers will backdate the policy to the first day of becoming unemployed but not all do. Once you have started to receive an income that is tax-free, it would then continue for between 12 and 24 months. This will be stated in the key facts.

There has been problems in the past concerning payment protection products of which income cover is just one. This led to all polices being tarred with the same brush. Mis-selling was reported by the Citizens Advice and this led to an investigation into the sector. The Office of Fair Trading and the Financial Services Authority both made an investigation. The Financial Services Authority laid out guidelines that those selling payment protection, could follow. They also handed out fines to several well-known names on the high street before referring the sector to the Competition Commission. However, it is essential to remember that payment protection products can work.

The Financial Services Authority is planning to introduce comparison tables. It is hoped that they will make payment protection products more transparent. The family of payment protection consists of income protection, loan protection and mortgage protection. The tables will help the consumer to decide which policy would be the most suitable. This will be made possible by answering questions based on their circumstances. The tables will also highlight exclusions and make the consumer aware of the cost of a policy.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of income protection, mortgage protection insurance and loan protection insurance.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Income protection insurance could be your safety net

Having a safety net on which to fall if you were to become unemployed through such as redundancy, should be considered essential. Losing your income could mean that you would struggle each month when it came to meeting your essential outgoings. You could even have to pull the strings in tight just to make ends meet each month. However, income protection insurance could be your safety net and allow you to continue living your present lifestyle.

It is surprising how much your outgoings would add up. You have to put essential outgoings first of course. These would include, mortgage, rent and any loan or credit card repayments you had to meet each month. You then have to pay out for gas, electric and put food on the table. After this, you then have all the other monthly outgoings to consider. All of them add up, often to a surprising amount each month. Choosing which to cut back on would be a nightmare.

The cheapest way to get income protection insurance is to get quotes from specialist providers. A specialist is someone who only sells payment protection cover. This means that you can be assured of getting the best quotes and the information needed to ensure that this type of policy is suitable. The quotes will greatly as will the terms and conditions so comparing both is necessary. Here you will be able to find the exclusions. Also when the policy would begin and end among other things.

There is a waiting period before the policy would kick in. This is usually between the 30th and 90th day of becoming unemployed continually. Income protection would then go on to provide the security for between 12 and 24 months depending on the provider. Some providers could backdate the policy to the first day you became unemployed.

Income protection insurance can be a valuable policy yet faith has been lost in all payment protection products. This happened when the Office of Fair Trading revealed that cover was being mis-sold in 2005. This was after a super complaint from the Citizens Advice. There followed an investigation by both the Office of Fair Trading and the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Guidelines were set out for those who sell policies to follow and some changes for the good have been seen.

One of the biggest changes will be the introduction of comparison tables by the FSA in 2008. The tables will highlight exclusions that exist in all policies and the cost of a policy. They will also help the consumer to choose which type of protection would be most suitable. Income protection insurance is just one a family of protection policies. There is also loan and mortgage protection to consider. Consumers will be able to go online and answer a series of questions relating to the individuals personal circumstances. From here, they will be able to determine which of the three payment protection policies would be the most suitable. Income protection can be valuable but only if it is the right type of policy for your personal circumstances.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of income protection insurance, mortgage protection insurance and loan protection insurance.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Verify This When You Get A Free Car Insurance Quote

When you get a car, it means that you have independence, mobility and the ability to get around, but it also means that you also need to think about getting car insurance! Car insurance is one of the cold hard facts of driving, but you'll quickly find that not all types of car insurance are created equal!

When you start shopping for car insurance, you'll soon realize that a free car insurance quote can be your best friend. In many places, both online and off, you can get them without any problems. When you are looking to get information on your car insurance, there are a few things that you should know.

When it comes to car insurance, the first place that you can look is online. This is a great way to learn about what is out there, and you can focus searches that will tell you which plan will help you. When you are looking for a free car insurance quote, take a look at the calculators that you will see, but even when you do this, there are things that you should remember.

First, remember that you need to compare plans that are quite similar. Comparing insurance plans solely on the basis of a single fact will create a deceptive picture. Make sure that all of the factors are compared, from the liability to the coverage to the deductible. Find out what extras are offered and make sure that you are in a good place to qualify them. A spreadsheet, whether on the computer or on a sheet of notebook paper can keep things straight for you.

When you have a few companies that you have managed to get a good free car insurance quote from, remember that it is time to get information from other sources. Do any of your friends have dealings with the insurance company? Word of mouth is still a great way to get car insurance. Make sure that before you buy a policy online that you give the company a call to judge them on their customer service. Similarly, it is worth figuring out who you would need to file a claim with in the area should it become necessary. You may also want to call the Better Business Bureau to figure out if any complaints have been made against the company, and you might also want to contact your state's Department of Insurance as well.

There are many different things that you should keep in mind when you are buying your car insurance, but a free car insurance quote can be a great place to start. This is a good way to figure out exactly what you can pay and how to maximize the money that you spend. But above all, make sure that when you are comparing various quotes, that you are really comparing apples to apples. The standard coverage on one policy might be an optional coverage an another policy, so take the time to make sure that you are comparing identical quotes before you decide which one is most cost effective for you.

For more insights and additional information about getting a Free Car Insurance Quote as well as getting a free online car insurance quote, please visit our web site at

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What Should You Look Out For When Getting Cheap Auto Insurance?

When shopping for auto insurance, it is important that you seek out the best deals for your money. Many are under the impression that car insurance rates are determined by the overall quality of the automobile insurance that is provided. However, there are many companies out there that offer cheap auto insurance and offer quality benefits, and services. Here, you will be introduced to a few things that you should look out for when it comes to getting cheap auto insurance. Whether you are shopping for rates that will cover a used vehicle, or a new one, these helpful techniques will assist you in your endeavor.

One of the very first things that you should do when searching for the cheapest auto insurance rates is to make a personal commitment to shop and compare. It is important to not just compare the prices of the coverage that is offered by various insurance companies. It is equally important to compare the services and the benefits that are associated with the coverage itself. Many times, you may find that a higher costing insurance coverage may not offer as many benefits to you as a low costing insurance can, or vice versa. However, if you take the time to shop and compare every aspect of the coverage, you are sure to find out some things that catch your interest.

The next thing that you should look out for when it comes to shopping for car insurance is discounts. Yes, many car insurance companies advertise discounts for safe drivers, and similar discounts but did you know that many companies have discounts available that they do not advertise? When calling about your potentially new policy in car insurance, you should ask about discounts, like:

* For keeping your car in a locked yard

* Keeping your vehicle in a garage

* Safe driving discounts

* Driving course discounts

* Discounts for military personnel

* Senior Citizen discounts

* And, similar discounts!

You will probably discover that you qualify for more discounts than you ever imagined. However, you must understand that most auto insurance companies will not advertise these discounts. It is important that you inquire about these when you call to establish your rates for coverage with that particular company.

There are many features that can add additional discounts to your auto insurance policy. When inquiring about and seeking out cheap insurance plans, you should research these features to determine if any of them qualify you for additional discounts. You will be surprised to find that items such as certain brake systems, and airbags can prove to be beneficial when it comes to lowering the cost of your insurance.

In conclusion, there are many different things that you should look for when it comes to your car insurance. The items mentioned throughout this guide can lead you to save hundreds on your car insurance each year. If you are looking to obtain cheap car insurance, you must know and understand the basics behind the prices that are charged for car insurance.

Kian Chew is a car insurance expert and owner of Car Insurance Hot Zone. Car Insurance Hot Zone helps those who wish to lower their car insurance cost for life by using a few basic rules and some strategies which few people know. Click below for instant access

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Why the Federal Home Life Insurance Company Is Going Strong

The Federal Home Life Insurance Company was recently merged with GE Financial Assurance Group. The GE group acquired the company because it was a financially profitable company with a respectable name. It opened for business in 1906.

Federal Home Life still does most of its business in Illinois, California, Washington, Michigan, and Florida. It is not licensed in New York. A little over half of its business comes from the other 45 states and the District of Columbia.

By most accounts, Federal Home Life is going strong.

* The company has almost twice the availability of capital as they actually need at any given time. If you have a claim with the company, they should be able to pay it with no problem.

* The company is getting stronger each year. The amount of capital they have and the surplus they carry has increased at a rate of 11.5% per year since 1991. This means that when you purchase a policy, you have a good reason to depend on the company to be there when it is time to make a claim.

* The operating performance of Federal Home Life Insurance Company is not as strong as its capital and surplus would suggest. However, the numbers still show that the company is adequate. Over five years, they had a return on investments of 0.7%.

* The company would be able to liquidate its assets with money left over. Its liquidity ratio is 130.9%. Hopefully, as the years go by, that number will increase. Yet, it should be an academic question. You do not want to be with an insurance company that liquidates. It is only a way to measure soundness.

* Federal Home Life is not limited to one part of the country. While it is true that 42% of its business goes to five states, the rest is scattered out among many other states. If you live anywhere but New York, you can have an insurance policy with Federal Home Life. This also means that it will not be devastated by a natural disaster that happens in only one state.

* This company has stable earnings. It has been compared with much larger companies in the reliability of its income. What this means to you is that the company is sound and can be trusted.

* The Federal Home Life Insurance Company is held up by GE Assurance Group. You can count on the fact that the GE group will not let Federal Home go under. Just as you count on Federal Home Life, you can count even more on GE Assurance.

There are some ways that Federal Home Life Insurance Company could improve its operations. They could work on becoming more profitable and operating more efficiently. In the meantime, you should always look at the background of a company before you buy your insurance from that company. It is the wisest thing you can do when buying insurance.

For more information on what to watch out for when obtaining online homeowners insurance quotes by visiting a popular website that offers home owners insurance tips, resources and information on home insurance policies for Texas.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

How Insurers Make a Car Insurance Estimate

The things that are looked at in a car insurance estimate can be mystifying. Why should it matter whether your car is paid off? And who cares whether it is a Ford or a Dodge?

Insurers know what they're doing. Their estimates are based on a wide variety of factors that go together to determine their risk. When you take out an insurance policy, what you're really doing is asking them to take some of your risk and paying them to do it â€" so the only fair way to determine this is to look at all your risk factors.

The most obvious factor as to whether you are likely to cost them money is you and your driving record. Are you a safe driver? Do you have tickets, and have you been found at fault in accidents before? Even if you were not at fault in an accident where you were a driver, insurers take this into consideration because people who have an accident where they were 100% not at fault still have accidents at a higher rate after this first one. If you have taken a driver safety course, you may be able to get a lower rate.

Your age is a consideration; very young drivers, especially teenage males, tend to have more accidents. Very old drivers also have accidents at higher rates. A good car insurance estimate takes this into consideration, as well as smoking and drinking habits if it has a record.

Beyond your risk of being in an accident at all, insurers want to look at how much damage will actually be done to passengers in an accident that does occur. If you do not wear your seat belt, you will pay a higher rate because you are more likely to be seriously injured. (Ironically, motorcyclists who don't wear helmets often get a lower rate because they are likely to be killed in an accident, which costs the insurance company less.) Safety devices like airbags count for something, as does equipment on your car like anti-lock brakes. You may pay a higher rate with some insurers if you have a lot of passengers on a regular basis, like if you drive the neighborhood soccer team to practice. And if you drive more, you'll also be hit with higher rates.

Where you live is a factor. Some neighborhoods have higher rates of vandalism and theft, and some also have higher accident rates. The insurers can charge you more just based on your zip code. In some states, insurers are legally required to cover certain repairs no matter what, like damaged windshields; in others, tight, winding, snowy roads may lead to more accidents. Either case ratchets up your payments.

If you have full coverage (as you must if there is still a bank lien on it), your insurance company will charge even more based on a variety of factors: how old the car is, how much it is worth, what its safety record is, how much it typically costs to repair damage to the vehicle. In addition, some insurers take into account things like car color. They look at car model â€" it's more tempting to drive a red Mustang convertible fast than it is to speed in a lime-green minivan. And they look at that specific car's overall accident record to see if it's higher than the average.

You can minimize your car insurance estimate by looking at all these factors and eliminating the ones that are in your power. Never pay more than you must for insurance.

For more insights and additional information about your Car Insurance Estimate as well as getting a free online car insurance quote, please visit our web site at

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Affordable Health Insurance for a Small Business Owner

Self-employed small business owners make up 27 million of America's 45 million uninsured. If you're one of them, here's how to get affordable small business health insurance.

Look for Group Options

You can find the best rate by finding a group to be part of. Some states allow small business owners to qualify for more affordable group plans as a "group of one." Check with your state's Department of Insurance to see if this option is available to you.

If your state requires at least two employees, you may be able to put your spouse or other relative on the payroll. You'll likely need to show a tax return or business filing to show that you have a real business.

You may also be able to join an industry group, credit union, chamber of commerce, or other group to find group-plan coverage.

Research Your Options

Even if you do not qualify for a group rate, you can save money by choosing the best health plan for you. Many different types of health plans are available, including:

* Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

* Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

* Major medical plans

* Fee-for-service plans

* Medical Savings Accounts

Each type of plan offers different costs and coverages. Some, such as HMOs and PPOs, have lower premiums but limit your choice of care givers. Others offer more freedom and comprehensive coverage but have higher premiums.

Compare Quotes

Premiums can vary dramatically from one company to another, so it's important that you take enough time to compare quotes before choosing a plan.

An easy way to begin comparing quotes is to go to an insurance comparison website. Here, you'll fill out and submit a simple online questionnaire with information about your business and your insurance needs.

If you have questions as you fill out the questionnaire, the best insurance comparison websites have insurance professionals on hand answer your questions and advise you on which type of policy would be best for your situation. (See link below.)

Once you submit your application, you'll begin to receive quotes from multiple A-rated insurance companies. You then simply review the quotes and choose the company with the best policy and the best rate.

Visit or click on the following link to get affordable small business owner health insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section.

The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written a number of articles on affordable health insurance for small business owners.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What is Mortgage Protection Life Insurance, and Who Must Have it!

Regardless of how careful you try to be, life is full of the unexpected. That is why mortgage protection and life insurance is all about the certainty of planning for the uncertain. It’s not uncommon for life insurance to also be referred to as mortgage protection insurance, since most people equate buying life insurance with the need to pay off large debts. Both forms of insurance are created for the protection of your family and/or dependents and both provide peace of mind for you, knowing that their lifestyle can continue without additional difficulties. While the coverage is similar, there are some differences in the design of these life Insurance programs as well as how they should be used.

Mortgage Protection is a specialty type of life insurance usually offered to consumers who have recently purchased or refinanced a home mortgage, generally within the last 12-18 months. Various life events will typically create the necessity for this type of product and since a home is one of the largest investments most families will ever make, carriers have created forms of life insurance designed to cover those needs most relevant to homeownership. Please, do not confuse this with primary mortgage insurance (PMI) which is placed by a lender to protect them in the event that you default on your loan. This mortgage protection is much different and is for the benefit of you and your loved ones.

Mortgage Protection is a simplified issue life insurance policy in which insurance carriers offer an expedited underwriting process that does not require a medical exam and is considered non medical life insurance. The death benefits are payable up to 125% of the mortgage balance or a maximum of $250,000. Typically, all that is required is a few medical history questions and, in some instances, a blood and vitals check in your own home by a registered nurse. Mortgage Protection is an easy and affordable solution for young, healthy families and those who have minor health issues that are managed by oral medication. Even casual tobacco users can benefit from such an option since under most circumstances they could be charged more for fully underwritten products.

Interestingly, these policies can offer many additional rider options, some of which are specific to the mortgage. One such option is a Mortgage Payment Rider which will pay all or part of your mortgage payment for up to 24 months after a 90 day waiting period if you are injured or seriously ill and unable to pay. The most popular rider is the Return of Premium Rider which is a living benefit that repays you the entire total of premium you have paid over the term of the policy. Considering that most term policies run 15, 20, or 30 years like the mortgage, a return of $30,000 is not uncommon and is also an effective tool for paying off or down on the mortgage principal balance or to purchase an insurance product by paying in full.

Straight Term Life Insurance is the least expensive type of coverage and provides protection for those value minded consumers for periods of 10-30 years. Straight Term Life can provide the most coverage with a guaranteed premium for the length of the term. While these polices can be more affordable for very healthy consumers, more in depth medical underwriting will be required for polices over $250,000. Also, individuals will fall into specific premium risk classes based on age and health status, which may be beneficial for older healthy individuals and those who need higher amounts of coverage.

As you can see there is a wide range of options available to you. These days you can run instant online quotes directly from the internet. However, what type of policy is right for you depend on many factors, and your insurance advisor can assist you in determining which policies are most beneficial for your situation.

Christopher Beard is a virtual agent who uses automation to simplify the consumer buying experience. He is the president of Trinity 1 Financial Group and works with clients planning mortgages, insurance and annuity wealth building strategies. Visit his site at for an free instant term life quote: